Entwife Incognito

  • Tender Assault and Battery in a Midnight Struggle

    An interlude on a mild spring night. Jane and Lisbon in a fiery pairing. No reason. It just happened. :-) A double-drabble AU, maybe OOC (Who has even one clue what their personal life would be?) Strong situations. If you do not like that stuff, do not read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • Bluebonnets in the Hill Country

    Mistletoe series, #5 (final). Springtime is an unstoppable force in the natural world. Jane & Lisbon take The Mistletoe on a trip. Lisbon finds her place. One-shot. AU, maybe OOC. Part of the Mistletoe series, but can stand on its own. Strong situations. If you don't like that stuff, don't read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • February Flu

    2nd chapter by request! Some wanted it, some dreaded it. But I added more on the "backside." Honestly. Stop reading if you don't like that stuff. Being sick elicits a special, caring love from a partner. Easy-going, naughty fluff. AU, OOC. Just trying to make it through the hiatus like everyone. Strong situations. Disclaimer: Me? Own The Mentalist? Pshaw!

  • Tender Assault and Battery Under the Redbud Tree

    A walk in a quiet woods in springtime can be very inspiring. Trees are in bloom. Fields are in flower. Just the setting for Jane and Lisbon to recapture a part of their youth, together. AU, OOC, whatever else you got in a one-shot. It's just a romp. Strong situations. If you don't like that stuff, don't read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • Tender Assault and Battery in the Hot Tub

    Just a hot little romp for Jane and Lisbon in their new locale. This time it's where Jane's Airstream calls home overlooking Lake Travis. He installed a hot tub! AU, OOC, one-shot, so yeah. Strictly for fun. But, hey … Strong situations. If you don't like that stuff, for sure don't read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • Floodgates

    Lisbon's going on a date. Jane has dropped all his defenses, helpless and begging her not to. But she's committed to trying to find a happy, normal couples' relationship. Things turn out differently than she expected. One-shot, AU. Strong situations, a bit of rough language. If you don't like that, don't read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • Preggers

    As you might guess, a pregnancy fic. Territory I've never trod and it took an entire bottle of wine to do it. To satisfy the requests of a number of you who have asked, even begged that I write one. It is distinctly mine, no doubt. I hope you enjoy it! 1-shot AU. Warning! Strong situations. If you don't like that, don't read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist

  • Kiss My Fulfillment

    Miscommunication. Terrible timing. Jane and Lisbon have drifted apart. Lisbon, looking for "fulfillment" away from Jane, forces him to move on, too. Do they really not know where the answers are? One-shot, AU. Strong situations. If you don't like that stuff, don't read this! Disclaimer: I don't own anything about The Mentalist.

  • The 2014 Saint Valentine's Day Accords

    Mistletoe series, #4 Jane & Lisbon have a lovely Valentine's night sorting out some important things between them. Their relationship is heating up, not quite there but on its way. AU, maybe OOC. Part of the Mistletoe series, but can stand on its own. Strong situations. If you don't like that stuff, then don't read this! Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • What's the Matter with Jane?

    Kinda rough, but that's how emotion is. Lisbon ponders Jane in this one-shot and finally talks to him. A tag of sorts for The Golden Hammer. Not much of a "T," but a little bad language. Some discussion of suicidal ideation. Hints at physicality. Tiny bit of romance. Disclaimer: I own nothing about The Mentalist.

  • Levels of Stress Relief

    Jane & Lisbon on a little road trip in his Airstream motorhome. Lisbon steps up. Started as a one-shot, but saw it needed a second chapter. Maybe a little bit of an OOC romp, so heed this: Strong situations. If you don't like that stuff, then for sure don't read this! Hide the kids! Disclaimer: I don't own anything about The Mentalist.

  • Ice Storm Christening

    Mistletoe series, #3. Caught in a Texas ice storm! Jane and Lisbon have to hunker down and weather it together. Still, they manage to have some fun in the unique beauty of the frozen landscape. Just a bit of sweet fluff. A sequel to Winter Fruit and Three Kisses, but can stand alone. One-shot. AU. A very mild "T," I would think. Disclaimer: I don't own anything about The Mentalist.