Vivat Musa

  • Workshop Myne

    What if Myne never joined the Church? In which Myne remains a commoner, and continues working from the ground up to start Workshop Myne and accomplish her dreams of becoming a librarian. AU. Originally posted on Ao3 under the same name.

  • Shush, Little Bird

    Night had just fallen. Not a soul was in sight this evening…a perfect night. Or so it was... A secret lust for revenge spurs a kidnapping of two residents of Castanet Island. The captives' friends search relentlessly for them, but a misunderstanding turns them against one another. Who is the mastermind behind this abduction? Will the captives ever be freed?

  • Quiet Tenderness

    He was the old bachelor who had long since given up on the dream of romance. She was the young woman who had been foisted with the truth that hearts burned more than they warmed. When these opposites are ready to give up on love, they learn that love can be sown from the softest of words, the subtlest of gestures, and the tenderness of two hearts slowly, quietly, knitting together.

  • The Teardrop Promise

    Nanako represents everything that Teddie never had in the shadow world: a friend, a family, and a future. So when Nanako threatens to go somewhere Teddie cannot follow, he is left not only feeling helpless and more alone than ever, but also at blame. At the brink of saying goodbye to the purest thing he had ever known, Teddie makes a promise delivered on a teardrop. After Heaven.

  • Taming a Flame

    Fire is not only destruction. Yes, it can crush you like you're nothing but a measly, insignificant fly, but it can also save your life when you're an inch from death. Fire is just an important part of nature as water or air. It has the power to give life, sustain life, and take life. But do you have the power to wield it?

  • Sweet Cake

    "Maybe it's a sign that I should stop trying to cook. You should see their faces whenever I ruin something. It's not just frustration, but something like—like they've resigned themselves to disappointment." Luke winced inside. He could relate all too well of how looks of silent disappointment could cut deeper than words of anger ever could. Anniversary story.

  • A Smile from the Sun

    is a promise to come when something is wrong, to laugh until the problems are gone, and to be together forever long. After Season 3 finale. [Kainora]

  • Intoxication Investigation

    After an unwise night spent at the Purgatory, Tali needs to be picked up by a certain blue-eyed turian. Garrus tries to find out what had motivated his friend to go to the bar in the first place. During a conversation that's longer than the usual elevator ride, the friends find themselves reminiscing with one another about past decisions and harbored doubts.