
  • Not My Brightest Moment

    Okay, maybe putting a big red button on my latest invention was an idiotic move on my part. Especially when said button caused the invention to explode. I tempted fate in that move and now, here I am, plummeting to my death. (Not as dark as the summary suggests. A Mikey and Donnie bonding fic. 2012' verse. NOT T-Cest! One-shot.)

  • Next Generation of Potter

    A two-shot showing how Albus Severus Potter got his wand, his feelings about joining Hogwarts and the lead up to the reveal of Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Basically, my representation of Albus and his brother.

  • Mirror Image

    When Owain gets caught by his alternate self he is left a little lost for words *Future Past DLC* *A little one-shot*

  • Flawless

    The time has finally come for Inigo to show the world his dancing. He just isn't sure he is ready to show the world what he can do. A short one-shot. Featuring Brady and Owain.

  • Detective Day

    Yoskue has a mid-life crisis. Naoto can only stare at him, perturbed. A one shot. No romance,

  • Meeting the Weasleys

    Aunt Petunia recalls the day she met the Weasleys; the 'freaks in their purest form' One shot.