

  • (S)He's a Pirate

    When the Kraken demolished the port city of Trost, thieves took to the seas that had been abandoned by fearful men and made a name for themselves as pirates. The Red Captain is perhaps the most famous and by far, the deadliest of them all, and military man Jean Kirschtein has somehow managed to land himself on their ship. Jeankasa, pirate AU.

  • kaleidoscopic stars

    Mikasa is nine years old when she learns several things. One: poison and words are fickle; a knife will always kill a man. Two: there are worlds inside and around her, and sometimes if she concentrates hard enough, she can feel its steady thrum of power like a soft whisper at the back of her heart. Three: if you become steel, you will not bleed.

  • You're Not Driving

    When Levi joined the police force, he thought he'd be nabbing baddies left and right, a dark knight in a city full of criminals. Too bad he's stuck at his desk punching numbers for the actual idiots who are. Then, along comes Mikasa Ackerman. Platonic Rivamika, buddy cop comedy crack AU.

  • Ironwing

    When the titans invaded their lands, the humans retreated behind walls, the dwarves into caves, and the elves fled back to the forests. Now, nearly a century later, it's up to a boy, a halfling, and a dragon to put an end to the trespassers threatening their livelihood or die trying. Medieval fantasy AU.

  • Drifting

    Asami saw the tilt of Mako's eyebrows in Korra's skeptical glance and the casual shrug of Bolin's shoulders in her body language; even Aang's awkward smile made its appearance when she was nervous. "I want you to be happy." Pacific Rim AU.

  • The Red Captain

    The port city of Trost is a nesting ground for pirates, thieves and scoundrels who call the ocean their home. In the midst of all of this, Annie Leonhardt attempts to seek out the mysterious and deadly Red Captain in the hopes that they will help her. However, Annie, of all people, should know that nothing comes without a price.

  • tempest melee

    Five seconds before the Drift was initiated, Mikasa cast her gaze to the glass in front of her, set in a honeycomb pattern. Lights scattered across the heads-up display, blinking and flashing numerous commands. As the voice made its countdown to zero, she finally closed her eyes and let Annie in.