Imagine, if you will, a world where Hasbro learns how to remove the 12 inch pole from it's ass. A world where a 'mature' cartoon isn't high treason. M for safty.
No one, nowhere, is safe from Gegory House. It is omni-present through all possible worlds. Twilight Sparkle is next.
The off season is hell. So, if you let me, i'd like to try to make it slightly more bearable. This story is my own version of MLP FIM season five. I'll try to keep the stories as close to show quality as possible. If you want to tell me your ideas or tell me I suck, feel free to share your ideas or troll just the same as you would with the show. Praise or flame, any comment is good
The MLP FIM analysis community once existed as a thing of isolation. No two analysts ever shared a single video. Then, on one fate day, a two part collab review of Magical Mystery Cure changed the the life of every MLP reviewer on Youtube.
No one, nowhere, is safe from Gegory House. It is omni-present through all possible worlds. Miles Tails Prower is next.