Cheeky Slytherin Lass

  • Lucky Charm

    Oliver receives a letter that could change his life, but he needs Katie by his side to be brave enough to open it.

  • Nothing Changes

    Padma worries that everything will change when she says "I do.", but her sister is there, as always, to make things easier.

  • Watching

    In which Remus doesn't want to share his indulgences and Sirius can only watch.

  • Picnic Pondering

    Lily and James enjoy a relaxing family picnic, but, with a war still waging, Lily's mind remains restless.

  • For Her Son

    Rosannah Crouch loves her son so much. Even if she dies in Azkaban, she dies knowing that he has a second chance.

  • One Last Time

    While the Marauders recount some of their more memorable close calls, Remus realizes he's never had anything like that. Since it's their last night at Hogwarts, they decide to let Remus become a legend.

  • The Right Thing

    Regulus knows what has to be done. He visits his favorite cousin, trying to find the courage to be a better man.

  • Not Gone

    In which Dean refuses to believe Ted had been killed by the Snatchers.

  • Lines

    Molly notices the first signs of age on her face, and Ginny is curious and impatient.

  • Should Have

    The war is over, and Dennis has to live with his guilt.

  • Snow Day

    Still, despite it all, in this moment, everything is beautiful. There is only him and his brother. The war doesn't matter.:: Colin and Dennis have a rare sense of freedom while on the run.

  • Assumptions

    Cormac has to be cheating on Romilda. There's absolutely no other way to explain his disappearances.

  • Adrift

    And sometimes Regulus wonders what he's doing.:: or eight non-linear and unconnected Regulus ship drabbles

  • Can We Be a Family?

    A family portrait leads to a second chance for Narcissa and Lucius.:: for Amanda

  • Losing It

    "Mum? Am I fat?" But Dudley knows the answer already, and he hates it.

  • to hell with the heavens

    Kingsley Shacklebolt discovers his soulmate is an angel, and his day only gets weirder from there:: soulmate!au, angel!au for Lo

  • Love Letter In a Landfill

    Unrelated and non-linear Daphne fics.:: 1. Daphne convinces Blaise to try.

  • Safe at Last

    Growing up, Piers only ever knew cruelty and abuse. Now, he has to unlearn fear and learn to accept his cousin's kindness.:: warning for child abuse

  • End of the World (Beginning of Us)

    Remus is an angel, and Sirius is a demon. The two struggle to raise an orphaned halfling during the end of the world, when nothing is what it seems.

  • Shadows of Your Heart

    Eight non-linear and unrelated Kingsley drabbles and oneshots.:: 1. Past KingsleyAntonin 2. KingsleyPercy 3. KingsleyTonks 4. KingsleyAmelia