
  • Meeting New Neighbors Down The Road

    Candy and her friends were having a lot of fun with some weapons until they get out of hand. Don't worry, no one is harmed in this story... yet. Another accident waiting to happen and with an interesting character from another show. And this is a story I finished in one chapter, but a long one at that. Rated T for some language and mild violence.

  • The Wanting Can't Wait

    Being around Dipper through the WHOLE summer is nerve-racking for Candy without anything more happening between them, so she plans on taking advantage of him. This story was inspired and sort of a continuation from my previous fanfic called "CandyDip Cuddling." Rated T for all the humor with a tiny hint of M for some themes.

  • Trying To Quit

    Candy Chiu had finally made a decision to make her life a bit better, but it's also effecting everyone else around her too. Rated T for the language and humor.

  • Daydreams of Misunderstanding

    A male Medicham named Clark and a male Golurk named Kevin were chasing Candy all over the place because of a bounty being placed on her. Now, she's nearly trapped. Can Candy get herself out of this mess this time? Rated T for the language and mild violence.

  • CandyDip Cuddling

    Candy's REALLY got Dipper in a tight spot by giving him a choice to help him save the town and maybe the world. Sorry you guys, but I'm planning to make this story with one chapter. At least this story will be a long one. Rated T for mild language with often adult content.

  • Candy Chiu's Moments

    This is a bunch of one-shots of short, funny situations I want to put Candy in. Just a bunch of ideas I know that won't be very long in each chapter, but collided, this'll make up one heck of a collection. Planning to end this fanfic at chapter 10. Rated T for the humor and language.

  • Some Games Are For Men Only

    Dipper Pines and Steven Quartz Universe play video games together, but what happens when Candy Chiu wants to play with them? This fanfic is planned to be a 1-chapter story, but it will be a longer one. Rated T for the mild language and humor.

  • Candy Double-Trouble

    Candy Chiu unknowingly found out about her exact replica in that same place as she is. What kind of weird events would follow? There is character death near the end of this, so don't read if you're uncomfortable about that. Rated T for the humor and language.

  • I Only Want Some Circuits

    Really crazy stuff started happening after Bender did something wrong and now, he's looking for some help. It's sorta short, but you'll enjoy the madness. Rated T for some mild violence and extremely brief language.

  • Candy's Plan

    Candy's trying to get Dipper's attention with many ideas she doing with a little help. This is my first fanfic and I thought a CandyDip fanfic would be cute. Love doing crossovers with a bunch of shows. Rated T for brief language later on and mild inappropriate content.