

  • A Time to Keep

    'To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.' The next year in the lives of Will McAvoy and MacKenzie McHale, and the moments that make it worth living. (Post S2, one-shot.)

  • the knotted root of sorrow

    It is Sandor who stands with her as she tries to untangle the knots that tie her down to the past in the bones of her home, when at last her pack returns to her. (Post ADWD. Oneshot.)

  • The Sadder But Wiser Girl

    They had told the staff to get some sleep while maintenance worked to bring the generators back on, but Mac isn't sleeping. Neither is he, obviously. (The answer to the question of why Will was waiting outside of Mac's meeting with the lawyers. Set during 2.07.)

  • Welcome Home

    She hasn't slept in over twenty-four hours, and she's still got miles and hours to go until she intends to rest. (A version of 'Under the Waves' where Mac comes home before the Ghouta attack, no one gets sarin dropped on them, and everyone is a lot happier. 2.09 AU.)

  • come hell or full circle

    (...our arms fill with miracles.) What if Mac had brought Jerry up to the News Night floor to answer for what he'd done? How would that have changed things?

  • The Origin of Species

    Sloan studies the scene around her. It's like sixth grade life science, she thinks—kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Life has its own taxonomy; finding where you belong in the order of things. (Sloan Sabbith's first morning as someone's mother. Very Post-S2.)