

  • Under the Waves

    She tries to hold out, for longer and longer, like a child holding their breath under the water. Eventually she'll drown, or come up for air, lungs burning. Either way, it'll be over. She'll be done running away. (Will doesn't have his revelation on Election Night, and by Friday, MacKenzie has decided to embed again.)

  • Timshel

    "Considering how tightly she has her arms wrapped around his shoulders she knows how troubling the good can be, too. And Will, she thinks, has never really known how to have things." That too, is a choice. Will's father calls after the American Taliban broadcast. (AU after S1, one-shot.)

  • And Home Before Dark

    They're both in the woods and he knows it, and Mac's in danger and Will never had a choice in choosing his sisters and his mother but he's pledged his life to MacKenzie and he's chosen to protect her and it means something, even if the simple platinum band was taken from him during inmate processing. (Spoilers for 3.04 and 3.05.)

  • Thistle and Weeds

    "Will doesn't know what kind of luck you have to have to catch fucking pneumonia ten days after getting engaged." A week and a half after Election Night, things aren't exactly going as Will planned. (Post S2, One-shot.)

  • Light Carries On Endlessly

    When Mac and her team go missing for a week in the Khyber Pass, Will spends the night drinking with Charlie and makes a pitch he wouldn't otherwise, committing News Night to ten special broadcasts from Camp Hook in Afghanistan. (HO&LG/Pre-series AU.)

  • Letters From the Sky

    "Actually, I've tried to get in touch with you a lot of times in the past three years. Did you get any of those emails?" "I didn't read them." In the uncertain hours following Mac's stabbing in Islamabad, Will reads the emails. Each and every one. (Pre-series AU.)

  • Without Even Falling Off

    Alternatively, Mac Gives Will a Sex Injury. (Very Post S2.)

  • Fingerspelled

    it quickly becomes apparent that her hearing wasn't all that she lost in Islamabad. (Season One AU.)

  • Don Quixote Dies at the End

    A man dies. The mission lives on. (One-shot. Post 3.05)

  • When the Bough Breaks

    After the stabbing the Navy doctor told her it was highly unlikely that even she did conceive that it would implant, that between the adhesions and the depth and angle of the knife wound she would probably never carry a viable pregnancy, and yet here she is, staring at two pink lines on a stupid white stick ten days after her husband was thrown into federal prison. (S3 spoilers.)

  • Paterfamilias

    Three weeks after the ultrasound technician tells them it's a boy, Will finds himself back in therapy. Sequel to "A Time to Keep" and "Bolt", WIP.

  • Sweet Love of Mine

    "Stiltedly, as if they don't quite remember how, her fingers pluck out the chorus to Sweet Child O Mine until she's able to play it at something resembling tempo." A month after their engagement, they're still adjusting to each other. (Post S2. One-shot.)

  • Holding On and Letting Go

    "She's tried running. Miles and across the sea and back. And she's tried grinning and bearing it, and breathing through it, and yoga, for a bit." Will finds Nina. MacKenzie tries writing, and finds herself along the way.

  • Grass Widow

    "MacKenzie knows that she needs to uproot and leave before she rots where she's planted." 2.06 AU; the Genoa story never goes to air. Now complete.

  • St Brigid's Crossing

    "You're here, in New York. You can't help anyone in Nebraska right now. Just take a minute, Will." What happens after the end of the broadcast where Will's father dies. (Post 2.05, one-shot.)

  • Winning the War

    "She has to believe that their victory in this war of attrition won't be hollow." Dantana's law suit enters the discovery phase, and MacKenzie is ten days late. (Post S2. One-shot.)

  • Bolt

    "It takes Will about twenty minutes to crack, and Charlotte doesn't even have to ask." Or, how the McAvoys acquire a dog without Mac's knowledge. (One-shot sequel to "A Time to Keep.")

  • Transatlanticism

    They meet as strangers six years later at charity event, years and the whole of the Atlantic between them. One-shot AU. "What if Mac had never had Jim in her life?"

  • Your Soul and Spirit Fly

    "The intern doing the overnight book doesn't recognize her name, but gives pause out of professional consideration at the yellow iNews alert that a CNN field producer has been stabbed and killed while covering a religious protest-turned-riot in Islamabad." Mac doesn't survive the stabbing. Pre-series AU. One-shot.

  • Rubik's Cube

    Saying "I love you" won't solve all your problems. Those you still have to figure out for yourself. (Post 1.07 AU. WIP.)