
  • Short Sizzy Prompts

    Just some short prompts for one of my favorite couples, Sizzy. Please read and review. TAKING PROMPT REQUESTS.

  • Mara's window

    RETRIBUTION SPOILERS. Noah and Mara's relationship continues to blossom after the final battle. Cute Madness oneshot. Please r&r!

  • Magnus's nightmare

    Magnus has a horrible nightmare- or rather, memory- about a past relationship, but then Alec is there to make him feel loved. Malec oneshot. Please give it a chance! M/M. Don't like, don't read.

  • A Playdate Gone Wrong

    Remember when Jocelyn said that sometimes baby Sebastian played with Alec? Well, here's what I think happened when they played. Both are two years old. This is pretty cute, people :) May continue, depending on if reviews are positive.

  • Waking up in Vegas

    Magnus and Alec plan a trip to Vegas, and Izzy, Simon, Clary, and Jace decide to tag along. What misadventures will befall our heroes on their road trip? Who will get the most wasted? Who will win a massive DDR competition? How will a terrible guy's night and a fun girl's night go down when they run into another couple that we as fans all know and love from TID? Read to find out!

  • Secrets and Storms

    Isabelle Lightwood sees everything yet can not fix everything. She watches her family fall apart, and always tries to be there for her brother, Alec. This is her letter to him. This is her story. Brief Malec. M/M. Don't like, don't read. Also, rated T for trigger warnings mentions of self harm.

  • That's my spot

    Sheldon, by a terrible twist of events, is reaped into the second quarter quell. Will he be able to survive this blatant interruption to is routine lifestyle? Features all your favorite tributes as well as the BBT gang. No OC's, keeping it real over here. Please review and let me know if it's worth continuing! Rated T for violence and language.

  • Greatest: The Story of Centuries

    Magnus's life told in writing through his eyes to a certain blue-eyed Shadowhunter. His struggle with his own identity, emotions, and humanity. Will include fun , light, happy stories as well as heavy angst. Hints of Malec. Much Magnus. Wonderful Magnus. :)

  • Around the World with Magnus Bane

    Malec's adventures abroad in City of Fallen Angels. My new major project, now that I have wrapped up Vegas. Lots of Malec fluff and insane adventures causing trouble in other countries. Please give it a shot and review if you like it!

  • Countdown to the Shadowhunter Academy!

    A collection of 100-300 word Sizzy drabbles in anticipation for TFSA. Will be uploaded every day! Feel free to leave suggestions of words for me to make drabbles out of :)

  • Robert's Story

    Robert's thoughts during the Accords Hall scene. The story of Waywood. Sad story. Oneshot. Please give it a try! STRONG LANGUAGE, INCLUDING SLURS. I do not agree with the views expressed by Robert, just an FYI.

  • The Struggles of Isabelle Lightwood, Bridezilla

    Simon and Isabelle, about to tie the knot, Isabelle is determined to have her wedding as charming and gorgeous as she planned her brother's, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Isabelle's highstrung nature and desire for a perfect wedding make her a tried and true BRIDEZILLA! Sizzy Threeshot. Bridezillas/TMI don't belong to me. Basically, Isabelle behaves terribly :P

  • A Very Wessa Christmas

    Will and Tessa have a romantic moment on Christmas day before the Institute party. Wessa fluff. I know that this is technically TID and not TMI, but I'm putting it under both tags so that more people can enjoy it if they wish to :)

  • The Haunted House

    Short Halloween ficlet- the gang goes to a haunted house. Please read and review! xxx

  • Eternal Dance

    Alec Lightwood-Bane is 78 years old and still deeply in love with Magnus, and the feeling is still mutual. Alec, though, misses dancing with his husband. What will Magnus do to cheer him up? Cute, fluffy Malec oneshot. NO CHARACTER DEATHS, YAY :D. M/M. Don't like, don't read. Rated T only for language. (I'm really proud of this one guys.)

  • Jace Cleans Up

    After Alec and Magnus have a big party, their loft is left a huge mess! Can Jace stand it? Some Clace and Malec, but not a romance fic. This is basically me poking fun at Jace's OCD... please R&R! Mwah!

  • Constellations

    Magnus and Alec stargaze together. Cute, short Malec one shot. Please R&R :) Love these two. If reception is positive, I will write more Malec oneshots.

  • Green

    Spoilers for CoHF. What would have happened if Jonathan hadn't died in the demon realms? How would Clary, Jocelyn, and Luke adjust to having him in the family? How would everyone else adjust to having him in the group? Rated T because I'm paranoid. I do not own the Mortal Instruments, the quotes, or the characters, Cassandra Clare does. Please R&R! Want feedback!

  • Angel Wings

    Cato's death through his POV. Originally meant to be a oneshot, but I suppose I could continue... reviews appreciated. Rated T for language. Clato.