
  • Let Love Grow

    200-word double drabbles from kiss prompts on tumblr.

  • all i want (and i've waited so long)

    Mary can't you see, you're just not the girl for me. I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Mary's mom. Cobert Hot Summer Challenge. A little flirting. A dash of yearning. A soupçon of humor. Just a hint of insecurity. Mix it all together and you have...whatever this is. M-rating for Ch 2.

  • Letters from Home

    The remaining letters sent between Cora and Robert during the Boer War. Originally posted on tumblr in 2015.

  • Heaven is Here

    Obligatory post-New Era. Cora and Robert deal with the aftermath of...everything.

  • Heaven is Here

    Obligatory post-New Era. Cora and Robert deal with the aftermath of...everything.

  • That Fascinating Thing

    "Brave boy." She whispers as they head up the stairs to the door. (M-rated companion piece to "Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot".)

  • Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot

    Five times Jack and Phryne dance.

  • Tea and History

    It is an enormous thing, to know someone would kill for you. It is an enormous thing to know you wouldn't stop them. Post "Murder in the Dark".

  • A Delicate Repose

    Set during the S5 CS - Cora takes it upon herself to make Robert relax. M for mature and A for angst.

  • Pointless

    Having little or no sense, use, or purpose.

  • bones of me

    She is her best self in the face of a challenge, and it has been so long since she has been challenged. 5x03 follow-up. Now a series of loosely connected S5 drabbles.