
  • Real Eyes

    AU. Hiccup's a closeted, but very well-liked actor with two hit movies under his belt and a third in the works. Jack's a radio host that goes by an alias, and very few people have actually him seen in person. They meet in a scheduled interview to promote 'Dragons 2', and find that despite being from very different worlds, they have a fair bit in common.

  • I Don't

    Even though the two had barely ventured beyond kisses, and most of the time it felt like he was talking to just another friend, what was to become of their relationship seemed pretty inevitable to everyone. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, they get married. All is well. -Set between movies.

  • Worth The Trouble?

    With nearly 300 years under his belt, Jack Frost has plenty of memories to visit. Yet, it's a select few months in particular that end up occupying his time. Hijack/Frostcup