

  • The Legend of the Dwarvanclan

    just a little something I did for the dwarvanclan, If you liked it be sure to favorite and post a review.

  • The New Digidestined of America

    Meet a young boy, Jophery. Jophery is your typical high school student. But what he doesn't know is that his life will change forever. Only he and a select amount of people can determine the fate of the United States of America, and the whole North American continent. All chapters are in the progress of being updated, some chapters may be slightly different from previous content!

  • A Breton in Europiah

    A man, stolen from his homeland, forced to journey a new land, known as Europiah, to find the men who slaughtered his family and burnt his hold to ashes. As he travels he will come to meet many friends along the way, but also discover an ancient secret that has been burried for centuries, waiting to be unearthed for the world to see. Rated T for mild language, booze, & violence

  • The Story of Sailor Kepler, the Unknown Sailor Scout

    Same characters, new story. Hey guys, I took off the last story, mainly because some of you were a little upset with the last one, so I started a new story this time taking it in the direction that I wanted to take it and not taking the easy way out. I hope you all like it!

  • Adventures in Mobius

    Need I say more?

  • An Unexpected Love

    A story about an Argonian falling in love with a Nord!

  • Tale of an Argonian sample

    Hey guy's enjoy this is just a sample of the first chapter. If you guys and girls like it, then I will post the full chapter. :)