

  • Where's the Rest of the Body?

    Sometimes, Taka had nights that weren't as peaceful as the rest.

  • A Little Girl, a Lost Boy, a Princess, and Two Reformed Assassins

    Because space and time really needed THIS snarl introduced too. (Crosses over the MCU, the Hawkeye comics, Peter Pan, Naruto, and Beauty and the Beast.)

  • Assassins, Avengers, and Aliens

    They're all A-holes, oh my.

  • The Castle Beyond the Walls

    When time and space bend too far, holes are made. (Mega-crossover)

  • Princess of a Foreign Land

    There was a reason the Titan called her "Ymir-sama." (Further crossover elements: Tangled, Naruto.)

  • And Then Sakura Was a Tentacle Monster

    Because that sort of thing just happens sometimes. At least it was only from the waist down... mostly, anyway. (Ino was enjoying this way, way too much.)

  • Only Half the Time

    Tony has a kid. Well... sort of. They're family, anyway. The problem is, he only sees the kid half the time... so obviously, he needs to make the most of what time he has.

  • The Consequence of Time Travel

    She hadn't known. If she had, she never would have even touched the golden hourglass that had carried her to class across her third year.

  • A Drop of Blood on a Stormy Night

    A collection of SasuKarin drabbles based on prompts from a random word generator. Will be updated sporadically. Each chapter is in a separate universe from the rest unless otherwise specified.

  • Gone Missing

    Oh where, oh where, have the Death Eaters gone? Something's gone a-hunting, and no one's quite sure what it is. The only thing they can find is that the Death Eaters are all disappearing, one by one... or even madder than before. Rated T for possible future gore.

  • Space, Crossovers, and a Healthy Dose of Magic

    "We know not why we are here. We know not how to get home. We know not how to survive one another. However, there is one thing we do know: we shall surely kick some-" "Hey, watch it! There are kids here!" (Also contains content from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agent of Asgard, Runaways, and Attack on Titan.)

  • A Trip in Time

    Because shooting Loki's staff always ended so well.

  • Planning Ahead

    Hill being turned into a teenager wasn't going to be as much of an immediate problem as they'd thought.

  • Seven Hawks Flying in a Circle

    Sasuke really didn't feel like talking when literally all the people he had ever been on a team with were right there. Especially because he could feel Kakashi right there, JUDGING him. ONESHOT.

  • The Voices of History

    She's never been alone. Never.

  • In the Midst of Battle

    She didn't love him. Except she did. Or she used to...

  • Magic Mirrors

    For an angel, to be seen is to be stalled, so a mirror is a great help to those who wish to flee. But not all mirrors are the same.

  • She Didn't Want to Marry Him

    And apparently, this was strange.

  • The Ones You Never Expect

    The worst enemies are always the ones hiding in plain sight.