
  • The Legend of Ban

    [Next Avatar] Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end. Born amidst a loving family in the city of Zaofu, Ban Beifong discovers he is the reincarnation of Korra, the Next Avatar. But with no idea how to control his gifts or access his spiritual abilities, he must undertake a journey to discover what that title truly means. Danger, however, looms on the horizon.

  • Timeless Love

    A love that transcends time and space linking two people together, one from the future, one from the past. Leading one to undertake a perilous journey of discovery to find the other. An older story lovingly polished off and freshened up a bit.

  • Booze, Babes & Brawl

    Fresh from their adventure saving the Galaxy, the Guardians make their way to a local club to gas up, wet their whistles, and take in the local scenery.

  • The Monarch Reports

    Following various nuclear disasters, numerous reports have been published detailing the events and their fallout. However, some reports have been kept from the public and most government offices, classified above Top Secret. These are those reports. What really happened.

  • Book 5: Legends

    Korra and her friends have countless new adventures ahead of themselves still, but this is an enemy unlike any they have ever faced before. With the whole world thrown into disarray the Avatar may not be enough to tackle this new threat. She will have to rely on her friends more than ever, and they will have to rely on each other. Theirs will be the stuff of Legends.

  • Planet of the Cats

    Blown off course and lost amidst the stars, test pilot Kio Kakazu crash lands on a terrifying world. A world whose feline rulers intend to make him their plaything. A world of hidden danger and unexpected beauty. He has come to the Planet of the Cats. And there can be no escape from his destiny.

  • Ghost of a Chance

    A damaged engine forces the crew of the Ghost to crash land on a hostile planet. Lost and alone, short on supplies, hounded by deadly animals and a frigid environment, can they truly hope to survive with no one to rely on but one another? They might need more than the Force to save them this time.

  • Strange Bedfellows

    Mikasa and Annie decide to settle things once and for all. War makes strange bedfellows, as they say, and in the war for a heart, these two take no prisoners.

  • Netiquette for a Wedding

    [TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise] A union of two souls, the wonderfully white wedding for a Dragon of Cold Steel and his Lady of the Luscious Snow. Now an AU following the events of the finale.

  • Let Us Give Thanks

    [X-Men Anime] Following the events of Japan, the X-Men return to the Xavier Institute to celebrate a heartwarming holiday of food, friends and family. With more than a few familiar faces dropping by to join in the meal Hisako's cooked.

  • No Need for School Day

    Today is Mayuka Masaki's first day of high school, and her whole family has pitched in to make sure it's a good one.

  • Grave Misgivings

    Johann Schmidt, aka the Red Skull, finds himself lost and alone on a dead world following his last conflict with Captain America aboard the Valkyrie. Watch his downward spiral into madness as he comes to realize everything he believed in is a lie. And what new and terrible thing emerges from that revelation.

  • A Fistful of Dragonite

    Up and coming gunslinger Gene Starwind finds himself thrown headfirst into adventure in the search to make a name for himself. With wisecracking partners, beautiful damsels, mystical skinchangers, foreign assassins, and more besides. Pride and greed threaten to tear the frontier apart, and the lines quickly become blurred between doing what is legal, and doing what is right.

  • Father's Funeral

    The Turtles and their extended family and friends grieve as one of their own is lost to the ages forever. You never truly know what you have until its gone. Farewell, Hamato Yoshi. Farewell, Splinter. You will be missed.

  • Deus Ex Machina

    One last level, one final dungeon, one ultimate boss. As enjoyable as the adventure has been, all good things must come to an end. Or do they?