
  • Unexpected Kitchen Hazards

    "A-Xu. I just got doused in boiling broth from shoulder to fingertips, I smell overwhelmingly of chicken soup and I almost killed you. The sun rises over the pool, feathers shine like jewels, it is a beautiful day." OR: Relatively mundane kitchen disasters escalate in surprising ways at Four Season Manor.

  • Gu Xiang's Modest Contribution to the Rise of the New Chief

    Wen Kexing has finally gone up a step on the promotional ladder of Ghost Valley, mainly by booting everybody off (and skinning, and beheading) who was in his way. Nobody ever found out how much it cost him to do so apart from his trusted confidant, adopted sister and maid servant Gu Xiang.

  • Rinse and Repeat 25: The Kingmaker - Coda

    At the end of The Kingmaker, Lizzie shows up at Ressler's door because she has nowhere else to go. Ressler doesn't really know what to do with a bawling Lizzie, but in the end things work themselves out. Tie-in to the Rinse and Repeat series.

  • Rinse and Repeat 3: The best laid plans

    After Berlin, the task force is more or less destroyed. However, Berlin keeps quiet, and life continues…and so does Reddingston's list. There's always another criminal to catch. This one forces Ressler to go undercover, with the rest of the team for backup. Only Ressler was never narco, and sending someone that dedicated undercover might not be a very good idea.

  • Rinse and Repeat 4: Murphy's Law Applies to Colds

    Basically, this is the mandatory hypothermia fic. During a suspect hunt, Ressler does another one of his 'run and jump in after them' actions, but this time it's winter and it's a very bad idea.

  • Rinse and Repeat 2: Trust Issues

    Both Lizzie and Ressler have had things happening to them recently, that have left them deeply miserable. And perhaps Ressler isn't coping as effectively as Lizzie thought, and perhaps getting drunk with him might be the perfect way to deal with her own personal demons. Or maybe it's just a really bad idea. (pre episode 19)

  • Rinse and Repeat

    Reddington, Ressler, Keen and Dembe take off for Mexico for another Blacklist case. While Lizzie and Dembe are taking care of business in Piedras Negras, Reddington and Ressler meet with a contact near Cuatro Ciénegas. However, things rapidly take a turn for the worse when Ressler gets shot, again, and Red has to use of his considerable talents to get the two of them out.


    Marauder time. The breakout of a virus in the Forest has repercussions for Moony. Peter has issues. James and Sirius enjoy being obnoxious.