
  • Questions of Existence

    The Order of Dagon made Dawn Buffy's older sister. It wasn't a good idea.

  • Hyacinth Girl

    Buffy was dead. So were they. Death wanted her back in his kingdom. They were going to show her the path.

  • Sweetness and Light

    Xander goes on his road trip a few years later than he had originally planned.

  • Identity

    They'd all had numerous fake identities over the years. They'd discarded them when they were no longer needed. But never before had they actually had to live as ordinary people. Some of them find it harder to adjust to than others.

  • Fun and Games

    "Be wery, wery quiet. We're hunting wampires." Sequel to "Coffee and Convalescence."

  • Remember

    Denna manages to stay awake a little longer under the effects of the denner resin.

  • Coffee and Convalescence

    The Scoobies come up with an idea to keep Dawn and Xander away from the front lines. Sequel to "Sweetness and Light".

  • The Sum of the Parts

    What happens when you cross the Key, a Ferula Gemina, and SG-1 traveling through the Stargate? Sequel to "Adjustment Phase".

  • The Adventures of Dru the Ensouled

    Drusilla's got a soul. Angel Investigations has another seer. Wolfram & Hart aren't happy. Spin off of "Adjustment Phase".

  • Adjustment Phase

    When Willow joins the SGC, you might think they'd ease her in a little. But no, she's pushed into the deep end with an Atanik bracelet. And it's not until after that that things start getting really strange. Sequel to "The Rings of Hell".

  • The Rings of Hell

    Acathla wasn't the only thing found buried. Of course, when Angelus killed the man who found it and then found himself in a hell dimension, it was forgotten about. For a time.

  • The Mayor & The Mongoose

    If you mishear "humus" as "mongoose", mightn't you come up with an entirely different plan to defeat that giant snake of a Mayor?