
  • Wicked Games

    Caroline Forbes is known for being a lair and manipulator. She is hated by all the Mystic Falls gang and Klaus himself. After unplanned events the Mikaelson Family and Caroline are brought to New Orleans where their lives will change. (Caroline in Hayley's place, but major differences) please read! REWRITE! Please reread

  • Saved

    All Klaus wanted to do was wake up and get some Donuts, so how did he end up on the side of the building trying to get a woman name Caroline Forbes not to kill herself. He gives her two weeks so he could try to change her mind, but soon learns Caroline is broken inside and out. Can he save her before her own demons take her first.

  • Mission of Love

    MrsLeaMorgan: So Caroline is married to Elijah and Klaus to Tatia. And they live each other and have an affair. Klaus and Elijah are siblings. Caroline knew both Klaus and Elijah before they were married and Elijah fell in love with her, proposed her and because Klaus wasn't sure about his feelings for Caroline so he left, but now he wants her back. Five shot, or maybe six shot