
  • Not Yet Dead

    Alistair fled Ferelden after the Warden spares Loghain. Now Teagan has convinced him to return. An ugly bitterness has filled Alistair and he is no longer the man he once was. F!Cousland/Alistair

  • A Useful Enemy

    Bucky Barnes is now a member of the Avengers. And that means he comes face to face with their prisoner. Loki. A silent wraith of what he once was, the two unexpectedly bond. WinterFrost

  • His Greatest Love

    He had fallen in love and his love had fallen. His name now a poison whispered in shadows. But Fandral would always love him. His darling, his prince, his Loki.

  • Under The Starless Sky

    Vilkas despised her. She was weak, she was unworthy. And yet...she was all he could think of. She was all that he truly wanted.

  • How Did It End Up Like This

    Tony's in love with the most gorgeous woman he has ever met. He cannot imagine his life without her. Meanwhile Loki still bears the wounds of losing the one man who had truly made him happy. But perhaps the winning smile of Bucky Barnes can change that. Tony is not jealous. He swears. Sequel to It Started Out With A Kiss.

  • This Place is Meant For Lovers

    Sequel to This Place is Full of Monsters. Loki returned to Asgard with Thor. Two years have now passed and it is time to return home. To him. Frostiron.

  • All You Need

    Five times Jimmy Hook was there for Peter and one time he let him fall.

  • Needing Advice

    Loki goes to get advice from his brother on his relationship with Tony Stark. Oneshot.

  • Sugar We're Going Down

    You know how the stories of love at first sight go? How time seems to stop and all outside distractions seem to vanish and it is only the two lovers who seem to exist? Yeah it was almost sort of like that, only Tony thinks he is going to piss himself. School AU. Frostiron.

  • Protect Him

    After Loki is assaulted by a group of men, Thor swears to avenge him. After all a promise is a promise. Oneshot. Mentions of non-con and violence.

  • Regret

    Our regrets shape us in many forms. Draco learns first hand how his actions will forever stick with him and haunt him. NonCon.