
  • I Won't Give Up

    When JJ leaves, a new member joins the BAU. He and Penelope seem to hit it off right away, and Derek is not impressed. Will this new team member win Penelope's heart, or does Derek still have a chance?

  • All At Once

    Addek AU. Vivian has always wondered why her mother left her ten years ago. Derek wondered if it was his fault. When Addison returns for a case all of their questions will be answered. ADDEK romance will come later!

  • Stay With Me

    Addisam AU Season 3. When something happens to Addison, their secrets come out.

  • Look After You

    Derek learns the truth about that faithful stormy night. He is ready to help his wife get over what happened to her and to show her how sorry he is. ADDEK NOT MARK FRIENDLY! Mentions of rape, you have been warned.

  • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

    ADDEK CHRISTMAS! The title really doesn't go with the story but I wanted it to be named after a Christmas song and well this is what happened so yeah! Enjoy :)