
  • The World is

    Ever wonder what is like to be in a game of life and death? I can't tell it's great or not if it allows you back to the living.. Follow our story on how it goes down in the Underground.

  • Dark Cloud: Worlds are Colors

    A tale of a boy, who is just age 16. He is young but intelligent with a goal for love. He never knew love would go so far to change him entirely. How can a boy.. change a world, no, worlds?

  • Kingdom Adventure High

    A huge tale of love, adventure and.. High School? Kick back and relax with Roxas and his friends on a crazy ride of teen romance and chemistry projects. "I felt I have played this adventure many times. Now it's time to lose that memory card for the best." - Roxas Rate M for later chaps.

  • Legend of Zelda: The Future in Time

    Ever wonder a story that mixed all the LofZ games into one? Well welcome to this story! Follow Link in life experience in school, reality and his family lineage. You're going to learn about Link more than you ever expected to be. And yes, there is a L/Z couple in there. Please do enjoy this lovely story, it's going to be pretty big. Rated M for later chapters.


    A story of a loving romance with smiles, joy.. guns, aliens, mafia and transformations? A new student arrived to the school from Italy, he soon crossed paths with Videl as well with Gohan. Gohan begins to feel these mix emotions once the exchange students arrive. Is there a love triangle between the 3? Rated M for later chapters and Gohan Videl! - Basil w

  • Sonic PokeJourney

    First fanfic, hello and welcome to the Crunus Region, it's almost the same as any region. You're going to see many lives of both Mobius and pokemon can work well together. Who knows what can be made? shadamyson (for a little), silvaze, shadamyfc. Please do not try to flame the first piece...

  • Living A Date

    Hello, I am Brendan, I just came form America, I noticed when I got to Japan, loads of stuff happen. What more awaits the little city makes me excited for the rest. Oh yes, I just met a girl name Tohka, she looks so cute, though she's a girl I just met. I gotten a crush, but maybe she can make me feel comfortable here. It will take more than Tohka for me to survive though..