
  • Orlando

    In which Kevin is emotional about Orlando. A oneshot. McPriceley. Disclaimer: Do not own the song. That belongs to Disney (The Fox and The Hound). Also do not own Book of Mormon or its characters.

  • Sleepless Nights

    Just another Hell Dream fic. First thing I wrote after seeing the musical so sorry if it's not great. McPriceley.

  • Distance

    Just a little thing about Dean and Castiel's relationship. I'm not great at summaries. Destiel.

  • Gemstones

    Elder Price has trouble ignoring Elder McKinley's eyes. McPriceley. I don't own The Book of Mormon or its characters.

  • The Talk

    Set when Thor and Loki were young. Frigga convinces Odin to give his sons 'the talk', something he's not all too sure about.

  • Sympathy For The Devil

    My take on Lucifer's life before his fall from Heaven. Boring title, I know.