
  • February 14th, 1846

    An early Sweenett Valentine's Day one- shot.

  • Let's Go To The Mall

    Dean is forced to spend an afternoon in a shopping mall with Cas and hates every second of it. Except that he doesn't. Not really. - One-shot.

  • Solitude

    It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment that Dean's world is turned upside-down but it probably starts when this dude falls from the sky and says, "I am an Angel of the Lord." Or when the same dude tells him that he and his brother are the chosen ones. Chosen for what? Why, to re-establish the balance between Heaven and earth of course. - AU. Part 1 of 3.

  • Spotless

    It all starts with a jelly doughnut in Kansas and ends with red wine in Pennsylvania. In between there's an epic love story that could have happened to anyone but luckily it happened to Dean Winchester. - Destiel AU. One-shot.

  • Pecan Pie in Pasadena

    Dean Winchester honestly always thought he could love nothing more than pie but now, sitting in Gabriel Novak's penthouse in Pasadena and looking at baby pictures of a very cute Castiel, he learns that he might just have to change his mind. - Sequel to 'Roadtrip to Phoenix'. Destiel AU, heavy on the fluff but mind the rating. One-shot.

  • Alone in the Dark

    They were eerily alike sometimes. Without her he was lost just as much as she was lost without him. And after becoming aware of this, Mrs. Lovett knew that he would not leave her and she would not go get the Beadle because he was equally dependant on staying sane -more or less- as she was. - Sweenett one-shot. Dark but fluff-ish.

  • Open Fire (On My Burning Heart)

    It's hard to be lucky in love- a statement only too true for Dean Winchester because he doesn't really do the whole 'falling in love' thing. That is until he gets to know a certain Castiel Novak and decides that maybe he can make an exception. What follows is a long road of love, loss, heartbreak and friendship as Castiel tries to get behind Dean's darkest secret. - Destiel AU.

  • Rawst Berry

    Sam changes Dean's favorite rule for the worse, Dean scares a teenager half to death and Cas... Cas manages to make the crappiest monster-free day Dean's had in a while a lot better.- A Destiel one-shot. There's kissing. It's cute.

  • Lux In Obscuro

    The Light in The Dark: It's the story of how Dean Winchester learns that he is worth saving thanks to the angel Castiel. And maybe even kinda sorta Crowley but that's debatable.- Destiel (mind the rating). Post Season 9. Complete. Also on ao3.

  • Seven Dollars

    In which Mickey just wants to steal some cash from a random house in a random street on a random night and ends up with seven goddamn bucks and a date with a stupid dork who can't lock his door. - Shameless AU where Ian is the oldest Gallagher instead of Fiona. One-shot.

  • Underneath This Broken Mask

    In the course of one week Dean learns that love doesn't want to be understood, it wants to be accepted. - Destiel multi-chap.

  • Welcome to Lawrence

    Castiel spends some time in Lawrence before he has to return to his home in New York because Dean promised him he would meet his brother. Sounds simple enough, but by now Castiel has learned to expect the unexpected when Dean Winchester is involved. - Sequel to Pecan Pie in Pasadena. human!AU. Destiel.

  • Of Ugly Sweaters and Vegetable Stew

    In which Sam's patience is unrivalled, Castiel is confused and Dean finally grows a pair. - Destiel one-shot.

  • Breathe In And Let The Monster Sleep

    It's hard to win a war against yourself without someone to help you cease fire. Thankfully, Dean has Cas. - post-10x05 "Fan Fiction", Destiel pre-slash. One-shot.

  • Lessons In Falling

    A slightly different take on 9x06 "Heaven Can't Wait" mainly dealing with Dean's guilt over leaving Castiel alone with his struggle to be human and his attempts at regaining the fallen angel's trust. - One-shot.

  • Like Watching Porn For The Plot

    Dean isn't gay. He likes beer and cars and women. So what is it with Castiel that has him questioning everything? - Destiel AU. Less explicit than the title might imply, I think. Rated M. One-shot.

  • Black Hearts

    Judge Turpin has to die. Only now Mrs Lovett is the one out for revenge. - A story that deals with the baker's darkest side and in the end might just unite her with her demon barber. Multi chap Sweenett. Rated for violence and kinky business in general.

  • Sing It Back To Me

    No one of the countless passers-by paid him any notice, no one cared for the lonely black-haired figure at a random street corner. Until the man started playing his guitar.- The AU street musician one-shot you never knew you wanted but finally have.

  • Roadtrip to Phoenix

    When Castiel Novak finds himself in Kansas instead of Arizona, the only way to get to an important meeting is by car. And while he hates that idea almost as much as he hates his job, he quickly learns that with Dean Winchester as his driver things aren't half bad.- kinda fluffy AU but mind the rating. Prequel to "Pecan Pie in Pasadena".

  • Four Times Dean and Cas Didn't Realize They Were in Love

    ...but one time they did. - mindless Destiel fluff. One-shot. Set whenever you want it to be, I guess.