
  • Clouds

    In which Dean and Cas engage in a game of cloud-watching. -Destiel fluff. One-shot. AU.

  • Fixing Things

    "He felt his wings lose strength and although he knew he should not be this wasteful with the remnants of grace inside him, he couldn't bring himself to care. If he just kept on flying, it couldn't take much longer until it was burnt out. It took a moment until Castiel grasped how dark this thought actually was."- A Destiel one-shot following the events of 9x23.

  • Needing Rose Tyler

    '"What about you?" he pushed, avoiding her eyes and staring straight ahead instead as they walked along the cliffs. "Are you happy?" "I am now," she said softly.' -A long overdue conversation between the Doctor and Rose after they are reunited. TenxRose fluff. One-shot.

  • The Thing With Cas' Missing Tie

    Dean finds himself increasingly distracted by the fact that Cas isn't wearing his tie anymore. Strangely enough this is what ultimately changes the nature of their relationship.- Destiel one-shot. Fluff-ish. Based on what I call the Open-Shirt-Theory.

  • His True Form

    Castiel's power is fading because of the stolen Grace, but before he leaves he needs to show Dean something important. Destiel. AU-ish One-shot.

  • Purgatory

    The pain of unanswered love exceeds that of death. - Mrs. Lovett's last moments. One-shot.

  • Just an Experiment?

    "God, where've you been all my life?" The question surprises her and she looks up at him from her work through her eyelashes, putting her rolling pin aside and placing her hands on her hips, a cocky smile on her lips. "Was always right beside you, love. You jus' di'n't pay attention"- Sweenett one-shot. Shameless fluff.