
  • You Kicked Me in the Face!

    A totally laid back day in Konoha, or it was supposed to be until Gai-sensei and Lee manage to stir up some fun. It seems as if Kakashi completely loses his cool! What! *Takes place just after Tsunade became Hokage. One-shot!*

  • The Path to Two Worlds

    Sakura Haruno had always had a pampered life. When she became a Chunin, though, she decided things would be different. She learned new jutsu under Kakashi, and had just began working under Tsunade when the mission that would change her life was assigned. How will Sakura deal with all of this? And better yet, how would she deal with being thrown into another world?

  • The Slayer

    Sakura has found herself doubting her strength, her confidence, and her life in general. She didn't know what was real and what wasn't anymore. Enter a world where Haruno Sakura is forced to believe in the existence of mythical creatures - specifically vampires! And what happens when she's one of the only people who is able to defend against them?