

  • Diner Queue

    In which Stiles Stilinkski meets Felicity Smoak. [Post-Arrow season one, during Teen Wolf season one. Crossover AU]

  • bookstores & lattes

    Really, it was the rains fault she went into the bookstore in the first place. Everything afterwards was completely out of her hands. Very AU Olicity.

  • warms hearts & hot beverages

    Welcome to Barry and Iris Allen's hole-in-the-wall New York coffee shop, Colony. The place where everyone falls out and makes up, where relationships unfold and the staff play matchmakers. Oh, and Iris is having a hard time keeping her husband sane. [Human AU. it wouldn't fit, but Teen Wolf is included too]

  • so lets up and leave the weeping to the willow tree

    Oliver didn't understand. He'd suffered losses. Felicity had suffered losses. And they'd always bounced back almost immediately. But this time, it feels different

  • if we remember

    World War One or a hotel in the 50's; it's like they're always going to end up together. [Reincarnation AU. Inspired by Cloud Atlas]