Chase Samurai of the Winds

  • A Trip To Italy

    Jay has been dumped by Nya so Cam decided to take Jay on a vacation but both of them will get more than they bargained for boy X boy don't like don't read slight use of the Italian language M for sex

  • Collage Room Mates

    So this a story about my OC and a friends OC going to collage with the ninjas and also all the ninjas are in this story they limit it to four characters rated M for sexual content

  • The Overlords Victory

    Ok so this is a LloydXOverlord YAOI for Thorn Garmadon so enjoy it rated M for sexual content

  • Jay and Nya's Love Story

    Ok this is a story request for xMelina I hope you like it I was busy so I had little time to make it so enjoy and guys as always PM me with any story requests and please review for my first Jay X Nya story rated T for slight romance enjoy

  • Your Endless Love

    A story requested by "NinaMeap"

  • A camping trip

    Story request for Lidy Garmadon hope you like it I thought it was interesting rated T for threats and slight romance

  • Collection of one shots

    The title sums it up sine I can only select four characters be knows these are OC X Ninja and Ninja x Ninja

  • Know Your Limits

    What happens when a young Garmadon seals into Dareth's Dojo and finds a sexy Dareth bent oer picking up marbles? Something sexy, hot, and passionate Story requested by BlackBlizzard please review

  • Date Night

    One shot of a jaya date night requested by guest reviewer

  • Gone Missing

    After Cam tries his glider he ends up in the middle of the ocean and is kidnapped by a surprising group of characters read to find out who they are Rated: MA: LSV. It contains strong language, violence, and sexual situations. For the future. All characters included Genres: Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Crime, and Romance

  • The Silver Ninja

    This was a story request from kaisgirl please enjoy the story to who ever reads it rated T for violence includes six OCs, Kai, Cole, and Nya as the main characters and the others as the the secondary characters

  • Assassins Creeed VI

    Ok so I've not made a assassins creed story in a while so it give me if it's not that good please review and PM me if you have story requests rated T for violence enjoy

  • After the Fire

    Ok so this is a story about Cam and Kai going to the same middle school together enjoy it rated T for language and future violence so sit back putdown your GED paper work and enjoy the show stupid (just a joke don't go revolutionary on me Art by Huerta-s-Honka on deviant art

  • Titanic

    Jay is the brother of Rose who also wants to get away from rich life but soon also falls for a poor boy by the name of Cameron who is a friend of Jack the two soon fall in love and have to survive the ships sinking T for violence the four main characters are listed as the characters

  • The Slave

    Some of you guys probably read this story before but I had deleted it but I brought it back so enjoy M for sex and violence all characters but Zane and Kai are kinda the main ones

  • Fort Saint Francis X Cabrini

    Cam wakes up in a principals office and cannot remember what happened the last night only that ZOMBIES have taken over L•A! What will happen? Read the story to find out M because of language and violence all characters included in the story

  • Assassins,Templars,and Patriots

    Ok so enjoy this story I got bored and decided to write so enjoy rated T for violence

  • Assassin's Creed V:The Ninjas Legacy

    Ok guys so a Ninjago Assassins Creed cross over enjoy it and please review now sit back and read rated M for language and violence but still enjoy oh and there are a lot of the Ninjago characters on it but they put a limit to four but just the heads up so again enjoy the story

  • Why Can't We Have a Normal Vacation

    Cam and Zane went to California for there vacation but once they are settled problems surface will they have a normal vacation rated M for language

  • The Freedom Fighter

    Ok guys so this is a story about Cams African side of the family I show the Scottish side but never the African so let me show it and sorry for the AC4 freedom cry cover but when I think about a free African I think of that guy on the cover rated M for violence