
  • The Ring

    For Naomi, Satoshi, Ayumi, Yoshiki and Yuka the weight of living with their friends death was a heavy one. Searching frantically for anything that could promise the life of their friends, Ayumi found a spell using black magic. But a girl swoops in but not like a knight in shining armour, but rather a knight with a shiny ring resting on her thumb.

  • Stefan's Dead

    What if when Stefan died, he stayed dead? How would everyone react? Just some thoughts and feelings because Caroline was the only one really upset by his death, even though it was brief.

  • The Vampire Diaries Crack

    Just some The Vampire Diaries Crack. I don't know what it's about really so it's a surprise. Shhh...

  • The Vampire Diaries-Song Shots

    Request Songs and ships. I'll probably do Klaroline, Carenzo, Mabekah, Delena... So just comment a song and ship and I'll be right on it. :)