
  • Anyone who'll listen

    Hermione feels lost with out Ron although she would rather not admit it. Set during Deathly Hallows, just after Bill and Fleur's wedding. She turns to writing as a method of coping. Romione. I love feedback so all reviews are welcome and will always be answered. I have not written since the summer so this is kind of a warm up. Let me know what you think :)

  • Not Today

    Jane and Maura investigate a case, involving a suspected hate crime. Secrets are shared in this eventually fluffy oneshot. I'd love some reviews. Dedicated to my best friend. Rated T for language.

  • Looking for a Break

    A oneshot. What if Alaska and Pudg had ditched school for a day and went to the smoking hole, just the two of them. Would Alaska make his dreams come true? Rated because of smoking and drinking. Feedback is always welcome. Disclaimer: I'm not John Green (If only)

  • Luna's Love Letters

    This is a short story, that i started writing in a free class. Just an idea I had. Hope you all like it, let me know what you think by leaving a review thanks :) Its a nuna story, but Luna has a secret admirer whos sending her notes :) It's a one-shot story so I won't be updating it unless I guess a total brainwave, but I'm working on other stories too :)

  • Alone in a crowded room

    This is my first ever fanfiction story, hope you like it, please review it would be great to get some feedback :) I have the full story finished an i'll add a chapter each day. It's a hinny story and shows the close friendship between Hermione and Ginny too, as they try to figure out Ginny's situation after the DA meeting, and the months afterwards.

  • Dream on

    Dream on- Aerosmith This is a short one shot I wrote in school, just an idea I had. Its about Hermione and is set one the last day of her sixth year at Hogwarts. Hope you like it, as always reviews are much appreciated :)

  • Detention I must not tell lies

    This is my first multichapter fic in a while. Umbridge has her own idea of detention, a cruel idea. How will Harrys friends react when they find out? Please let me know what you think :) or if anyone has any ideas of where to go from here id love to hear them :)

  • Harry's Dilemma

    Harry has a big decision to make. Will he choose Cho or finally reveal his feelings for Ginny? My summaries are terrible but please read and review :) I always love to get feed back! One shot, unless I (or anyone who PM's/reviews) have a brainwave :) Hope you all like it :)

  • The new arrival

    This is my second story :) again its a Hinny story but also Romione! It focuses a little more on the DA than the relationships of the characters and also includes a little bit about Hermione's life in the muggle world in the later chapters. I have finally got the chapters in the right order now :)

  • But then there's Ginny

    Short One-shot with two parallel conversations, between Ron and Harry,and Ginny and Hermione. If either knew about the others conversation, life would be a lot easier for the four of them! Romione and Hinny ... Please review, I love to hear what people think of my story :)