

  • All Eternity

    [Stucky Vampire AU] A pair of vampires are in town and, while trying to hunt them down, Bucky gets bitten and has to deal with the consequences.

  • All of These Stars Will Guide Us Home

    [Stucky – Sequel to "I Know These Scars Will Bleed" – Post CA:TWS] After escaping Hydra's clutches and going on the run to rediscover his identity, Bucky Barnes finally finds the courage to go to Steve Rogers and learn who he is from the one person living who really knows. [warnings: mild smut and some language]

  • I Know These Scars Will Bleed

    [Stucky, set during CA:TFA] While on leave in Switzerland, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes face their feelings for just one night. [Warnings: mild smut and some language]

  • Heaven Meets Hell

    [Stucky Angel/Demon AU for tumblr prompt] Love between angels and demons is strictly forbidden, but Bucky and Steve are willing to break all the rules to be together.

  • Attached At The Wrists

    [Stucky for a tumblr prompt] While Steve and Bucky are on a mission, a mishap leads to them being handcuffed together.

  • Rough Day

    [Lestrolly Bartender AU for a tumblr prompt] A lonely cop named Greg walks into a bar, Molly's bar to be exact, and she offers him a drink and someone to talk to.

  • Christmas Dare

    A drunken game of truth or dare at the Avengers Christmas party leads Steve and Bucky under the mistletoe [Written for a prompt on tumblr]

  • Skinny Love

    A Stucky one-shot. Steve and Bucky both knew they were in love with each other. Just never at the right time. [Some spoilers for Captain America 2]

  • The War Was In Color

    A one-shot set during the first Captain America movie. After the serum, previously colorblind Steve rediscovers his world in color.

  • Taking Up The Shield

    One-shot. Set in the MCU but based on the part of the Marvel comics where Steve Rogers is killed and Bucky Barnes takes over as Captain America. So obviously, major character death. Some implied Stucky.

  • Run Away With My Heart

    Captain Swan one-shot. This is a little fic I wrote before the S3 finale aired so it's obviously not canonically correct at all, but it was my little fun interpretation of a potential opening scene for the finale episode. (For the record, I like how the finale actually turned out better than this version but it's still fun.)

  • A Quiet Moment

    Captain Swan one-shot. Based on the end of the S3 finale so major spoilers ahead!