
  • Drag Lines

    Rogue suddenly started getting her nails done. Bobby wonders why—or he would if it wasn't so freaking hot. Suggested Romy Oneshot

  • Safeguarded

    Normal? How could the precious son of a sorcerer and a shapeshifter be normal in a world of vengeful villains who would stop at nothing to cripple the dauntless Titans? Inspired by xaphrins' tumblr prompt.

  • Uncle Jokes

    The first time Robin heard it, he was 11 years old. It had taken the acrobat a moment to understand the horrible joke his best friend had sprung on him, but after he did, no one would be safe.

  • Superman Socks

    Wally gets a little too serious and Artemis runs to the only person who knows him better than her. Traught friendship & mentioned Spitfire

  • Worried

    Starfire and Kid Flash bond over their sick Robin. RobStar KFStarFriendship

  • One Track Mind

    "Hey," he defended, "it's not my fault I have a one track mind. I can't think of who to blame, but we'll go with 'not me'." Roy Centric

  • Having Coffee

    Where, on a stake out, Jason learns that maybe Tim is more devious than he is given credit for and that Kori has a fixation with his coffee. Robin-bonding and RoyKori Oneshot

  • Static

    To flee the chaos at home, Robin decides to spend the afternoon at the Tower and ends up learning a little more about his teammate. / KonxTim friendship Oneshot

  • Pulling a Ponyboy

    Kori and Roy come home from a date to find Jason in the bathroom, 'bleaching the Batman' out of his hair. Oneshot