
  • Black & White: The Malfoy Family

    This work was started as a collaborative piece to exemplify the Malfoy bloodline as told from Pre-Hogwarts to post. A large focus rests on the late Malfoys, Narcissa and Lucius, but will not exclude ideas of close characters, such as Bellatrix and their son, Draco. Works will be featured (author's consent) and published in no sequential order. Please PM if you would like to add!

  • Bound To You Part II

    Lyra's world was completely turned upside down after the return of the Dark Lord. Her family was ripped apart, leaving her to fight in the upcoming battle alongside a newfound love that has turned into her darkest nightmare. She is now faced with a decision that may reunite her with her true self or turn her into a blood-thirsty follower. This is the second installment of BtY.

  • Bound to You

    Lyra Carrow was born into a changing family. With a strong pure bloodline, her father escaped the fate of Voldemort and changed the family name within the ministry. As she enters her sixth year at Hogwarts, she learns about her horrifying family history and encounters a forbidden love that sends her spiraling into conflicting thoughts about her past and her future.