The Tactical Writer

  • An Irish King for an Irish Land

    An ongoing AAR for the kingdom of Tyrone. Will King Eoghan II of House O'Neill and his descendants manage to drive out the English and build a lasting Irish state, or will their house crumble and their land taken over by foreign invaders? If they do manage to build a lasting nation, will they keep to only the Emerald Isle or will they expand to England, Europe, and even America?

  • The Dark Reality of Our Situation

    The responsibilities we clutch are too great for us, but if we did not shoulder them, who would?

  • The Republic of Siena - Rome's True Son

    A single province state in 1444 begins to rise up and face it's neighbors in the divided peninsula known as Italy. Will Siena unite the entirety of Italy and if or when it does, how long will it remain worthy to be a successor to the Romans?

  • Let Us Rise Together

    A story adaptation of a personal Fire Red Nuzlocke. As we looked on at those two who carried our future on their shoulders, we hoped that they would have the strength to restore our lost knowledge and pull us from our dark times.

  • A Wonderful Story

    I have lived a good life, a great one indeed. It's been a wonderful story, but there's one question, one issue that I need to answer for.

  • Examining Your World

    Once you have taken your crown and established yourself, you should reflect upon your past and consider your position.

  • Letting Go of Lost Purpose

    She once trusted him without reservations. Now, as she bore witness to the damage of his commands, she realized that her past purpose was no longer truly what she desired.

  • That Smile of a Cheshire

    In the end, you wore that grin so magnificently while sitting atop your throne. Devil Survivor 2, Hibiki-centric.

  • Their Only Defender

    He was their only protector, yet he asked for nothing in return.