
  • Soul Eater Aftermath

    Years after the kishin Ashura was defeated by Maka Albarn, Soul Eater Evans and their friends now it's for their weapon daughter Kailabelle and their meister son Yuji Evans to save the world once again from the Kishin. But for something is up with Kaila, she can't full transform into any of her weapon forms and there's a dark voice haunting her telling her to do his bidding.

  • Breaking the Glass

    Tsuna was a shy, ordinary girl born and raised by Charlemagne but when she learns that she is the sixth monsuno controller and that the fate of earth is in her hands she may have face her mother and then she realizes it's up to her to start "Breaking the glass". Meanwhile Chase has spent a year battling Storm and he may be in love with Charlemagne's daughter.

  • Whispers in The Dark

    Two years after Tsuna Kurayami broke the glass Tsuna goes missing and this group called the Shadows are after Core-Tech and this new group called at the Amazons who claim their leader is Tsuna herself but can they be trusted. And what will happen to Tsuna (plz read Breaking the Glass first.)