
  • Maturi's Umm Adventure?

    Ran and Yoru were at it again but the noise of their... fun game... was enough to attract the attention of a certain blonde across the hall. RanxYoru (I only wrote it because I was really upset that it never happened in the actual show)

  • How It Happened

    Rin and Makoto always liked each other and, actually, things went all the right way in their relationship. This is the story of how it first started, how they kept it going, how they told the people who needed telling and all the cute fluff and sweet moments in between!

  • Punishment

    Little thing I wrote because I was bored :) Izaya has a secret so precious he begins to cut himself over it. What happens when his secret comes out to the person he least wanted it to? Self harming Izaya. SHIZAYA! Sorry if it's a little OOC. Enjoy!

  • My Promise

    Three years after the war has finished life is good. Well, for most people anyway. Hermione's life is being turned upside down. Ron and her have had a serious break up and now he's being a git. Whilst tears are falling, Hermione makes a promise that she had no idea would bring her close to the enemy. She will go through heart ache but she will not give in! EVER! Dramione!

  • Loveing the Snake

    Hermione and Draco are bitter enemies, everyone knows it. But in their fourth year something changes. Will Hermione learn to love the snake or will the lion inside of her destroy their passion? Dramione Fanfiction.