
  • Shift in the World

    When a girl from the 21st century crash lands outside of Camelot, confused and unsure of how she got there, Merlin must help her find her way back. But who is she, really? And why does she act so strangely around him? Begins after "The Death Song of Uther Pendragon," in season five of Merlin. Potential Lily/Merlin pairing.

  • I Don't Want to be Brave

    Morgause has lit the fires of Idirsholas and the Knights of Medhir have risen. And Camelot has succumbed to Morgause's enchantment, which Morgana is the source of... Now, Morgana must make her choice: live, and watch Camelot fall... or die, and save the city. Takes place during "The Fires of Idirsholas," in season two.

  • Raining on Rainee

    'I, Rainee Montague, loathe James Potter with a fiery burning passion.' Rainee was never very good at Potions, but when James volunteers to be her potions partner things get a bit sticky. Rated T for language. James II/OC.