
  • A Harry Potter Parody:Hermione's Loved and Hated

    Ok, this was meant to be about Harry, but it is now about Hermione! Yay! So, Hermione has fallen for someone when she accidentaly said, "Oh, My God! He is so cute when he eats!" He stalks her, and she eventually falls a victim to love.

  • Can You Please Help Me Find This Story?

    Everything you need is inside!

  • Hermiones Insane Recordings First Year

    This is Hermione's weird diary. Read her 'posts' and find out what insane and angelic things she has been doing at Hogass! I mean Hogwarts... Oh and this is about her and her parents in later chapters!

  • Possesed By My Enemy

    Hermione has lost Ron and might lose Harry..In this fan fic she is possesed and is really mis-behaving at Hogwarts... Who knows, she might kill someone that goes by the name Severus Snape... Or is her love too strong?

  • The Invaders And The Reunion

    A tiny one-shot I wrote when I was 10! I found it and decided to post it here-The Wizarding and Muggle world has been invaded-by aliens-and Hermione Granger is left alone, beleiving Ron and Harry are dead. But one day she gets 2 unexpected visitors!