
  • Pump Quinn Acquires a Weapon of Mass Destruction

    As it says on the tin.

  • A Ride to Forget

    A chord struck in his heart then, a sharp, unwelcome sensation that he hasn't felt since his first few days working as the Reaper. An emotion that he thought he had long since lost the capability of feeling. Pity. - My attempt at creating some sort of lore to this game.

  • Saved

    No matter how they prevail, no matter how they die, no matter who they save, no matter who they kill, no matter how their quest ends, they always return.

  • Work Harder

    Nico and Annabeth fall into Tartarus. It didn't take long for one of them to die.

  • Master Mode

    After 200 years of rest, the Hero of Hyrule finally awakens.