Curse of Whimsy

  • Queens of Grisaia

    A world where gorgeous and powerful women call all the shots isn't really all that strange a place to Kazami Yuuji. But while Yuuji may be more than ready to handle life in the land of Gainos, the beautiful warriors of the land of Gainos definitely aren't ready to handle him.

  • Tale of a Thief and his New Party

    (Adopted from dude932) Manato survived the ambush at Damroww, but Haruhiro left the party, tired of feeling like an outsider. Weeks of hunting on his own were interrupted by a blonde centaur in need of rescue, and a pledge of servitude. Now as a Master with his faithful Knight, how will Haruhiro make his way through Grimgar?

  • The Pawn of Grisaia

    He wanted to try being normal. He might still be able to get his wish, but he'll have to settle for being a normal Devil with a normal amount of memories from dead people he's never met... Kazami Yuuji has begun to wonder if maybe he isn't very good at this. Now has a TV-Tropes page, covering up until about Chapter 28 so far.

  • A Flight Between the Stars

    Eighteen years before the start of the Sekirei Plan, Sahashi Takami discovered that not all aliens look like humans. She also became a single mother through adoption and unwittingly saved the world... busy year, right? But now, her little boy is all grown up, and Sekirei are falling from the sky. She's starting to miss when things were simple.

  • Monsters of the Dead

    A Hero in exile, a defective Monster. Trying to survive in a world where one day, they wake up to find they aren't the strange ones anymore.