Seigi Mitsuko

  • Distorted Ripples

    The tiniest ripples from a stone dropped in a lake spread out far beyond the point of change. King Garon is still himself and King Sumeragi is alive, yet Corrin still winds up in Nohr. Unable to return to the country of her birth as a child, how will she react when reunited with her birth siblings on a mission? Rated T because Fire Emblem. Crossposted on Deviantart and AO3.

  • The Nabatean's Ward

    Jeralt and Sitri knew that Rhea did something to their son. The signs were all there; a scar on his chest, the lack of crying, the fact that Sitri didn't even get to hold her son for HOURS after the birth. Yet they were told nothing. Fearing for him, they decided to go and ask for help from two people that Rhea wouldn't guess. Crossposted on AO3.