Jawn Lennon Aid

  • Denny's Coffee Shop

    Thursday night hangout time. Beatles and Monkees crossover involving their favorite place, an original character, and maybe some fun? Being written at night while I'm not sleeping lol. Not ATU but still no choice for Help or A Hard Day's Night... but The Monkees is an acceptable choice for TV. lol Man, that just doesn't seem fair somehow. Mclennon is always involved in this story.

  • Beyond A Misty Shore

    This is a Beatles x Monkees crossover, it also hints at Supernatural. It sad but happy too, eventually the rating will probably become M. The characters are a mix of their shows/films and RL in some aspects, but all of it is a blend. Take it with just a grain of salt and hopefully be entertained somewhat. Not really ATU, but A Hard Day's Night and Help aren't choices.