
  • Dead Sword

    Engineering capabilities? Check. Good at dismembering his opponents? Check. Often deployed on missions to prevent the extinction of humanity? Check. Congratulations, you're going to the USG Ishimura.

  • Lucem Sequimur

    "We fight, we drink blood, we revive, and then we fight some more. It is a vicious cycle by which we are bound. If you stop fighting, you die. If you stop drinking, you suffer a fate even worse. But even in the Darkness that is our existence, there is still a glimmer of light that pushes me on; the future that she gave us. Lucem Sequimur; We follow the Light."

  • Let me see you smile

    With how outright dangerous much of the world of One Piece is, being reborn in it is not something to be taken lightly. Especially if you are in the New World. And the son of a cannibalistic Yonkou. With a slowly degrading sense of morality. And you couldn't care less about the main plot. OC AU. Inspired by XxZuiliu's 'and much madness must make'.

  • Oh God, OW! there's more than one

    For as long as she could help it, Rias wanted to keep Issei away from her brother. Not Sirzechs though, but the other one. While he is kind, strong, and helpful, she just fears what Issei might become once they get to know each other...

  • Marvelous Exploits beyond the Walls!

    Food is being carefully rationed, chopping down trees is a big no-no, and constantly being mistaken for a monster? This will be her toughest challenge yet! Hang in there Bunyan, you can do it!