
  • Talon and Spike: Drifting Memories

    Set in the Explorers of Sky setting, former human, Spike, and peppy explorer for treasure, Talon, continues their adventures to seek the unknown. As r/MysteryDungeon dictates the plot through its Writing Prompt Wednesdays, these two slowly, and hopefully eventually, deal with all kinds of memory messing encounters.

  • Nexus: Side Stories

    My one-shots and irrelevant(?) stories canon to the Nexus storyline, which means practically all my one-shots. Featuring: Way too many different characters.

  • Maho and Twine: End of an Era

    After saving the world from Dark Matter, Twine and Maho continue their job for the Expedition Society, helping them map out the entire world and as a bonus, find exquisite treasures. But their relaxing, if sometimes stressful, life of just traveling the world comes to an abrupt halt when a grookey suddenly appears in the nearby forest.

  • Personal Paradise

    The Bittercold is down, but that doesn't mean that the bitterness in the hearts of pokemon are gone, and the need for Pokemon Paradise is needed more than ever. For our heroes, it is a great accomplishment, having created a little piece of heaven on earth. But now that they've perfected the art of helping others, they have to work on themselves.

  • Sear and Vei to the Rescue

    One is a workaholic, the other an amnesiac or really bitter former human, and together they will save those in need, and be adorable while doing it. Or take a break and be adorable while doing it. Canon to the Nexus storyline, however much that will matter.

  • The Nexus: A Remnant's Revenge

    They stopped a meteor, they prevented the planet's paralysis, ended the chill of bitterness, felled the embodiment of negativity or something else. Each, heroes who had saved their respective world. Now summoned by a mysterious force they travel to different worlds and stop the terror of strange creatures. Welcome to the Nexus. Featuring: All the characters. Like... All of them.

  • WPW: Misc

    For stories that doesn't fit into any of my continuities. Or doesn't yet. There is no rhyme or reason with these and yeah, this ain't gonna get updated much.

  • A Defender's Memory

    You saved the world once... or twice... or still haven't. Depends on when in the timeline we are, honestly. But point is, while the heroics are over, there might be some lingering issues still not resolved. For Blair, the human turned vulpix, it is a simple question: Who am I? Canon to my Nexus Story