
  • The Witcher’s Way

    Some practices die out, some grow with time. But for the Witchers of Team Nara, failure to pass on and strengthen the knowledge of Monster Hunting could very well mean the end of their world.

  • Hunters: The Cursed Protectors

    AU:There used to always be a need for Hunters. But in a time of peace those who are protected so quickly forget the evil that exist. How it still lurks in the dark. Thankfully, there remain those who still practice the hunt. Cursed as they be to keep the peace.

  • Wetwork

    [AU] Contract Killers Naruto and Gaara have a bit of a rough road ahead after coming out of an early retirement. Is a certain blonde to blame? Or has conspiracy corrupted the Land Of Fire? Those with sensitive morals have been warned. Crack fic, crack everywhere.

  • Seamless

    "I'll never lose her, not even in the clouds." Shikamaru grieves his awful breakup with Ino in the best way possible. ShikaXmulti