
  • The Last Qymaili

    Qymaen jai Sheelal is in love with Ronderu lij Kummar, the planetary pariah named for her association with the Incubus. But when a tragedy rips her away from him, and she's perceived as dead to the world, Qymaen's whole world turns upside-down, and he finds the changes within him aren't all for the better.

  • Alura The Alura Trilogy, Book 1 She-Ra 2018

    Following Light Spinner's coronation to the Guild of Sorcerers, she finds herself in the care of a refugee from a kingdom overrun by an interplanetary war - Micah of Tropicilas, her student in sorcery. But soon after, she finds that she must choose between her place on the Guild and her apprentice's love in order to follow what she believes is right. Also on Wattpad and AO3.