• Music Therapy

    Music is the soundtrack of your life. The Team finds out a little more about Robin with his preferred music choices. EDIT: I realized how many mistakes there was the first time and it was bugging me lol

  • Music Therapy

    Sometimes, music is your best friend. Dick's music choices are questions as he get caught listening to music by each member of the team plus Bruce and Alfred. Credit for all the songs are at the start of the chapters.

  • Love Shouldn't Hurt

    New Years Eve: A time for a new beginning, the start of a new journey. The team survived the League/Savage's attack, love is blossoming, sacrifice was endured, it should have been a positive beginning and a fresh restart. When Zatanna is determined to make The Boy Wonder hers, how far is she willing to go to do so? TW Themes of Domestic Violence

  • I might even love you

    After hearing a new song, Dick confronts Wally about his feeling about their relationship. He willing to put everything on the line to hear 3 words.