
  • Harry Potter and the Mind Within

    Harry Potter lived a neglected life after his brother Nathaniel was declared the Boy-Who-Lived. Running away, he turned inside himself to find his way in the world and become the most feared teenager in the history of Europe. After being contracted to protect the French Minister's daughter and her best friend, what will it lead to? WBWL HP/FD/O.C.

  • Harry Potter and the Conflicted Path

    Harry was the twin brother of Calypso Potter, the Girl-Who-Lived. However, in his quest to make a name for himself outside of his family's, he often ends up conflicted between what he sees as right, and what his family sees as dark. Powerful!Harry Dark-but-not-evil-Harry. HP/DG

  • The Origin of Veela

    Harry and Fleur are having a magical engagement night when they meet a very strange couple.

  • Unexpected Slavery

    After breaking out of confinement at Malfoy Manor Harry runs into a very peculiar girl and gets himself into a very strange situation. HP/OC WARNING: Gets a little dark at times. No little kids, I would advise at least being a teen.

  • The Lonely Veela

    Fleur is about to get married to Bill Weasley. One problem is, he isn't her chosen mate because he died when she was little. Or did he? One-shot, HP/FD, pure fluff.

  • Harry Potter: Knight of Walpurgis

    Harry Potter was the twin of the Girl-Who-Lived, his dear sister he loved. But he wanted to be more than the brother of the Calypso Potter. Watch as he steps out of her shadow and into another; the shadow of the darkness. Harry/Daphne Powerful/Dark Harry