
  • Hear You, Seek You

    Scarlett Mitchell loves horror movies, but that doesn't mean she wants her life to be one. Eventual Randy/OC. Will cover Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, Scream 4, and Scream 5. *Now writing Scream.*

  • Summertime Sadness

    For most of Maribel's life she'd been told her mother died from a broken heart. She didn't necessarily believe that to be true, but she also didn't want to go out that way. JJ/OC.

  • Dimensions Of The Heart

    After the battle with IT the members of the Losers' Club slowly break apart, with each of them moving on from the summer events. Except for Gwen Tozier. Not being able to cope with the aftereffects IT has caused her, she is sent away to stay with her family in Hawkins, Indiana. However, the move to the small town does not bring instant balance into her life. Eventual Steve/OC.

  • Beauty Has Her Way

    Cheryl Rivers' life hasn't been going so well. After the passing of her parents and younger brother she goes to live with her estranged great aunt in Santa Carla. She's expecting the worst moving there but sees a silver lining when meeting the mysterious Star. Maybe things are finally looking up for her...or maybe not. Marko/OC.

  • Unreflected

    Seventeen year old Nayeli Martinez often wondered: Why me? Why am I like this? Why am I here? Can it ever get better? Or am I just the problem?

  • Love And Sacrifices

    Peter promised Grace he would find her. He was going to remind her of who he was, and how much he was in love with her. He really was going to do that….but then he saw just how happy she was. *This is a one-shot from my other story, Infinite. Do not read if you haven't seen Spider-Man: No Way home.*

  • Infinite

    Grace Stark's life is anything but normal. Ever since her dad became Iron Man an endless amount of extraordinary people have entered her life. However, it's the boy with the warm brown eyes who's left the most lasting impression in her heart. Eventual Peter Parker/OC. Starts in Iron Man and will follow the Avengers main story-line. •Now writing Iron Man 2•

  • Mirror In The Sky

    Her mother murdered. Her father a murderer, or so she's been told since a young age. Brynn Black's life hasn't been the easiest, and it was mainly thanks to who her father happened to be. Eventual Luna/OC.