
  • The Curio Shop

    A lonely 10-year-old girl finds an impossible series of books in an ancient curio shop that was supposed to have closed up years before she was born. What she reads changes everything.

  • La Boutique des Curiosites

    Une fillette de 10 ans solitaire trouve une impossible série de livres dans un ancien magasin de curiosités qui était censé avoir fermé des années avant sa naissance. Ce qu'elle lit change tout.

  • When Harry went mad

    Harry Potter spends a year and a day mourning a slain Hermione. But then, something happens.

  • Potter Dreams

    When a necklace that's a Potter heirloom is worn by both of them to help them sleep, the boundaries of where James Potter ends and his son begins become obscured - in Potter dreams.

  • Harmonic Convergence

    The Lives of Our Days 2. The confrontation between Voldemort and the headmaster and the Lovegoods, Harry and Hermione comes to a head, with their souls and the timeline itself at stake.

  • The Other Side of the Hourglass

    After the devastation of the second Voldemort war, a powerful ritual gives Harry Potter a chance to re-do his Hogwarts years. Of course, he'll need his best friend Hermione if he's going to succeed, and the ritual only sent one person back. But Harry has a plan!

  • Why She Did It

    Nineteen years and some months later, Harry Potter confronts Hermione Grange over their teenage years, and why they never got together.