

  • Take Me, Kill Me

    “Harry Potter.” He spat in his cold, high voice. “Harry Potter must be killed.” Voldemorts desire; his obsession has grown. And when all plans fail, when all hope is lost, Voldemort looks to someone younger, more innocent to do what he never could

  • Remember Who You Are

    Harry Potter is thrust into a world he doesn't undestand anymore, dark secrets are revealed, painful goodbye's, and ultimate sacrifices are made. Harry dicovers his true identity and becomes lost in a world of lies, betrayal and deceit.

  • Phoenix Child

    The little boy; lost and afraid made his way through the daunting forest. Did he know then that he would one day become the greatest wizard the world had ever seen? Albus grows up in a world of darkness and escape and finally the truth inside is revealed.

  • Winds of the Past

    "He's dead." Harry said to himself. "He's dead, and nothing you can do will bring him back..." But it was Harry's fault he would never come back. Sirius may have died but something about his past still lives on, and Harry chooses to descover it...

  • Remember Who You Are UPDATED!

    Harry Potter is thrust into a world he doesn't undestand anymore, dark secrets are revealed, painful goodbye's, and ultimate sacrifices are made. Harry dicovers his true identity and becomes lost in a world of lies, betrayal an